通信地址:山东省烟台市鲁东大学数学与统计科学学院 264025
1. 双曲守恒律的整体Riemann解及其稳定性分析, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,执行时间:2013.01-2016.12, 批准号:11271176,项目负责人;
2. 非线性双曲守恒律中的燃烧问题和狄拉克激波问题,国家自然科学基金青年基金,执行时间:2010.01-2012.12, 批准号:10901077,项目负责人;
3. 非线性双曲守恒律的奇性解研究, 国家博士后科学基金特别资助项目,执行时间:2010.03-2011.03, 批准号:201003504,项目负责人;
4. 非线性双曲守恒律的Riemann问题, 国家博士后科学基金面上项目,执行时间:2009.03-2011.03, 批准号:20090451089,项目负责人;
5.双曲型偏微分方程的理论分析与数值计算,山东省中青年科学家科研奖励基金,执行时间:2011.01-2013.12, 批准号:BS2010SF006, 项目负责人;
6.Chapman-Jouguet燃烧模型的数学理论, 山东省高等学校科技项目发展计划,执行时间:2012.7-2015.6, 批准号:J12LI01,项目负责人;
1. 双曲守恒律方程组中燃烧问题和间断流问题的研究 2013年山东高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(第一位)
2. 非线性偏微分方程的定性理论研究 2010年山东高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(第一位)
1. Meina Sun, Entropy Solutions of a Chapman-Jouguet Combustion model, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 22(9)(2012), 1250018(35 pages). (SCI)
2. Meina Sun, Delta shock waves for the chromatography equations as self-similar viscosity limits,Quarterly of Applied Mathematics,69(2011),425-443.(SCI)
3. Chun Shen, Meina Sun,Formation of delta shocks and vacuum states in the vanishing pressure limit of Riemann solutions to the perturbed Aw-Rascle model,Journal of Differential Equations,249(2010),3024-3051.(SCI)
4.Meina Sun, Interactions of elementary waves for the Aw-Rascle model,SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,69(2009),1542-1558.(SCI)
5. Wancheng Sheng, Meina Sun, Tong Zhang. The generalized Riemann problem for a scalar nonconvex Chapman-Jouguet combustion model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,68(2007),544-561.(SCI)
6. Meina Sun, Wancheng Sheng, The ignition problem for a nonconvex scalar combustion model, Journal of Differential Equations, 231(2006),673-692.(SCI)
7. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, Instability of Riemann solutions to a scalar conservation law with discontinuous flux, Z.Angew.Math.Phys., 66(2015), 499-515. (SCI)
8. Meina Sun, The perturbed Riemann problem for a scalar Chapman-Jouguet combustion model, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B., 36(2015),267-278. (SCI)
9. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, Wave interactions and stability of the Riemann solutions for a scalar conservation law with a discontinuous flux function, Z.Angew.Math.Phys., 64(2013), 1025-1056.(SCI)
10. Meina Sun, Wancheng Sheng, Generalized Riemann problem for scalar Chapman-Jouguet combustion model, Z.Angew.Math.Phys. 60(2009), 271-283. (SCI)
11. Meina Sun, Interactions of delta shock waves for the chromatography equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 26(2013),631-637.(SCI)
12. Meina Sun,Formation of delta standing wave for a scalar conservation law with a linear flux function involving discontinuous coefficients, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 20(2013), 229-244.(SCI)
13. Chun Shen, Meina Sun,The perturbation on initial binding energy for a Majda-CJ combustion model, Applicable Analysis, 92(2013),2115-2126.(SCI)
14. Meina Sun, Construction of the 2D Riemann solutions for a nonstrictly hyperbolic conservation law, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 50(2013),201-216.(SCI)
15. Meina Sun,Non-selfsimilar solutions for a hyperbolic system of conservation laws in two space dimensions, J.Math.Anal.Appl., 395(2012), 86-102.(SCI)
16. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, The bifurcation phenomenon for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux functions, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 121(2012),69-80.(SCI)
17. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, Zhen Wang, Global structure of Riemann solutions to a system of two-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws, Nonlinear Analysis:TMA, 74(2011), 4754-4770.(SCI)
18. Meina Sun, A note on the interactions of elementary waves for the AR traffic flow model without vacuum, Acta Mathematica Scientia, Series B. , 31(2011),1503-1512.(SCI)
19. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, Stability of the Riemann solutions for a nonstrictly hyperbolic system of conservation laws, Nonlinear Analysis:TMA , 73(2010), 3284-3294.(SCI)
20. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, Zhen Wang, Limit relations for three simple hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 33(2010),1317-1330.(SCI)
21. Meina Sun,Chun Shen, On the Riemann problem for 2-D compressible Euler equations in three pieces, Nonlinear Analysis:TMA, 70(2009), 3773-3780.(SCI)
22. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, Interactions of delta shock waves for the transport equations with split delta functions,J.Math.Anal.Appl., 351(2009), 747-755.(SCI)
23. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, The Riemann problem for pressure-gradient system in three pieces, Applied Mathematics Letters, 22(2009), 453-458.(SCI)
24. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, On the neutral Hermite product of the distributions and , Integral Transforms and Special Functions,19(2008), 387-398.(SCI)
25.Mei-na Sun, Shu-fang Deng, Deng-yuan Chen.The Backlund transformation and novel solutions for the Toda lattice, Chaos, Soliton and Fractals, 23(2005),1169-1175. (SCI)
26. Meina Sun, The limits of Riemann solutions to the simplified pressureless Euler system with flux approximation,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41(2018),4528-4548. (SCI)
27. Chun Shen, Meina Sun, A distributional product approach to the delta shock wave solution for the one-dimensional zero-pressure gas dynamics system, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 105 (2018) , 105-112. (SCI)
28. Chun Shen, Wancheng Sheng, Meina Sun, The asymptotic limits of solutions to the Riemann problem for the scaled Leroux system, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis , 17 (2018) , 391-411. (SCI)
29.Meina Sun, Singular solutions to the Riemann problem for a macroscopic production model,Z.Angew. Math. Mech., 97(2017),916-931. (SCI)
30.Meina Sun, Shadow wave solution for the generalized Langmuir isotherm in chromatography, Archiv der Mathematik, 107(2016),645-658. (SCI)
31. Meina Sun, The exact Riemann solutions to the generalized Chaplygin gas equations with friction, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 36(2016),342-353. (SCI)
32. Meina Sun, The shock reflection phenomenon for scalar conservation law with Dirac measure source term, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 20(2016),663-684. (SCI)
33. Meina Sun, Structural stability of solutions to the Riemann problem for a non-strictly hyperbolic system with flux approximation, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations,2016 (2016), No. 126, pp. 1-16. (SCI)
所带学生:陈琦 2014级研究生;
吴晓晓 蔡慧倩 2016级研究生;
张云凤 张潇丹 房立苹2017级研究生;
张宝云 安杰玲 袁堂萍 候艳丽2018级研究生。