2014年8月9日下午4:00,数学与统计科学学院邀请了英国克兰菲尔德大学Antonios Tsourdos教授和拉夫堡大学陈文华教授在南区5号楼411会议室分别作题为“UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) Operations: Toward Verifiable Autonomy” 和“基于干扰观测器的控制(DOBC)理论及应用”的学术讲座。参加讲座的主要有学院控制科学研究所的教师以及研究生同学们。此次讲座由学院副院长魏新江教授主持。首先Antonios Tsourdos教授对无人机的发展背景作了基本介绍,根据最优路径的相关知识针对无人机的降落地点选择问题进行了理论上的描述。陈文华教授对干扰观测器的基本结构作了简单介绍,对非线性系统基于干扰观测器的控制(DOBC)的设计步骤进行了详细描述,并且向大家介绍了该理论的实际应用及其现阶段的发展。最后Antonios Tsourdos教授和陈文华教授对我院师生提出的相关问题进行了一一解答。两位教授的学术讲座内容丰富精彩,我院师生开阔了眼界,受益匪浅。
Antonios Tsourdosis a Professor of Control Engineering and theme leader for autonomous systems at School of Engineering, Cranfield University. Professor Tsourdos received his PhD degree on flight control by the Cranfield University in 1999. Professor Tsourdos was member of the Team Stellar, the winning team for the UK MoD Grand Challenge (2008) and the IET Innovation Award (Category Team, 2009). Professor Tsourdos is an editorial board member of the Proceedings of the IMechE Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, the International Journal of Systems Science, the IEEE Transactions of Instrumentation and Measurement, the Aerospace Science & Technology and the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences. Professor Tsourdos was program chair of the 2014 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Professor Tsourdos is a member of the IFAC Technical Committees on Aerospace Control, on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, on Networked Systems and on Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems, the AIAA Technical Committee on Guidance, Control & Navigation (AIAA GNC TC) and the IEEE Control System Society Technical Committee on Aerospace Control (TCAC). Professor Tsourdos is also member of IET Robotics & Mechatronics Executive Team. Professor Tsourdos’s research interests include guidance and control of single and multiple vehicles, network decision systems, cyber-physical systems, multiple vehicle reasoning and integrated vehicle health management. He has published more than 200 papers and two books. 陈文华,英国拉夫堡大学航空与汽车工程系教授、博士生导师,控制与可靠性研究中心主任,中国教育部长江学者,北京航空航天大学讲座教授。主要致力于控制、信号处理、决策及人工智能在航空及其它领域的应用。1986年毕业于江苏大学工业自动化专业,1991年获东北大学工业自动化专业博士学位。创建拉夫堡大学自主系统研究中心,迄今共出版教材专著四部,在国际期刊及会议发表科研论文160余篇,先后共指导20多名博士及博士后。曾获拉夫堡大学未来科研领袖奖,英国机械工程学会Charles Shape Beecher奖,带领的团队荣获英国皇家航空学会无人飞机创新奖。现为全英华人自动化与计算机协会主席,国际DOBC研究领域的创始人。